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Avoid This 3 Traps While Learning Code

Why Practical Coding Experience and Sharing Your Work Matter More Than the 'Perfect' Tech Stack

Last week, I talked about My Interview Experience at Amazon [SDE-II USA] and Preparation Tips. Now, let's discuss some of the major pitfalls that many developers encounter when they first start learning to code.

One major mistake I made was constantly searching for the best resources

When I was learning, I was obsessed with finding the perfect tech stack, tutorials, and projects. I’d spend hours on Reddit reading reviews and questioning if I was using the most optimal resources.

I was fixated on finding the "best" resources for learning. Whether it was the most recommended tutorials, the perfect tech stack, or the highest-rated projects, I wanted to ensure I was using the best of the best. This obsession led me to spend countless hours on forums, reading reviews, and second-guessing my choices. What I eventually learned is that there's no one-size-fits-all in the world of coding. The "best" resources are subjective and what works for one person might not work for another. The key is to start with what you have and build from there.

Another trap I fell into was not coding enough. The time I spent searching for the best resources could have been better spent writing code. Once you’ve grasped the basics of programming, it’s more important to improve your software development skills. This involves learning about frameworks, testing best practices, and applying these to your projects. The real learning happens when you start building and troubleshooting your own projects

One of my biggest regrets is not posting on GitHub sooner. Sharing your code online allows you to track your progress over time. Seeing your growth through your own code and projects is invaluable. It provides a tangible way to measure your improvement and helps you build a portfolio that can impress potential employers.

There are no shortcuts to becoming a better developer. Videos and articles that promise quick hacks to speed up your learning can make you feel anxious, like you’re wasting time or need to find new shortcuts. It’s been three years since I started coding and I often feel like I know nothing. Remember that everyone’s learning path is unique. Coding is difficult and anything difficult takes time to learn. Be kind to yourself and adopt a growth mindset. Don’t compare yourself to others but instead focus on your own progress over time. You improve by writing bad code and striving to make each line better than the last.

Check out my YouTube video where I dive deeper into these points, and join our community to stay connected, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3QUVMD4uqc&t=24s

As a final point, don’t worry about AI replacing developers. Software development involves much more than just coding. The problem-solving, creativity, and human insight required in development cannot be easily replicated by AI. Learning to code is a valuable skill that opens up numerous opportunities.

So, don’t give up. Embrace the journey with all its challenges and rewards. Focus on writing code, sharing your progress, and continuously improving. Remember, your journey is unique and every step forward is a step towards becoming a better developer.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

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